Has Compensation Planning, Design or
Implementation Become Too Complex?
The POE Group Can Help.
We understand the challenges of designing, implementing and managing compensation plans
– and will simplify the process for your company.

For more than 20 years, our firm has delivered solutions
to a wide variety of compensation issues for clients ranging from small businesses to Fortune 1000 companies in many different industries, across the United States.
We are a specialized consulting organization that prides itself on providing expert knowledge, creative solutions,
the ability to implement, and excellent client service
at a reasonable fee.
Nationally recognized provider of compensation advisory services for:
Fortune 1000 Companies
Small Cap Companies
Privately Owned Companies
Family Owned Businesses
Startups & New Businesses
Senior Leadership and Executive Management
Compensation Committees and Board Members
Human Resource Teams
Well-designed compensation solutions help to attract, retain and motivate
talent within your organization.
Our compensation consultants
align your compensation structure
with company goals and
leadership strategy.
Pay is an important part of the contract between employee and employer –
we help our clients provide systems
that are based in data and
compensation design best practices.

Common concerns our clients have:
Is my company's compensation competitive or effective?
Am I losing executive talent?
How do I better motivate my sales team?
How do I recruit the talent I need to grow my business?
Am I managing pay consistently across the company?
How do I create short and long term incentives plans?
How do I strengthen the link between pay and performance?
Do I have disparities with pay equity?
How do I strengthen the link between pay and performance?
Based in Western North Carolina, The POE Group has been an independent compensation consulting firm since 1997. Our clients include Fortune 1000 companies, smaller publicly traded companies, emerging private companies, and family-owned businesses.
Clients benefit from our expertise related to executive compensation consulting, employee compensation, sales force compensation, pay equity audits and performance measurement and feedback systems.

Do You Have Questions About Compensation? Talk to Joe.
We know that compensation can be complex.
Let's talk with a Free 30-Minute Consultation.
We're here to help.
Call 813-546-8628 to speak directly with Joe Kager, Managing Consultant of the POE Group

Joe Kager, CCP
POE Group Managing Consultant